Christian education classes for children in preschool through high school are held on Sundays beginning at 9:45 a.m. Our preschoolers and Kindergarten students engage in spiritual formation through Godly Play, a method of biblical storytelling and the teaching of religious language based on the Montessori approach to education.

Our Grade one through fourth-grade classes use Augsburg Fortress’ lectionary-based curriculum, Spark. When students reach the fifth grade, they transfer to a two-year Bible study using the Connect curriculum, focusing on how Biblical themes relate to their own lives.

Our confirmation students, who are usually in seventh through eighth grade, participate in a two-year cycle of classes focusing on Luther’s Small Catechism and the Bible.

Our senior high class engages in Bible studies, book discussions and theme-based series.

Our Sunday Church School year is also filled with other learning opportunities for our children and young people, including intergenerational events during Advent and Lent and special programs, such as our parish’s celebration of St. Nicholas Day or our occasional congregational musical.

In addition to the Sunday Church School hour, Christian education occurs in various settings within our parish life. Children and young people are invited to participate in the larger life of the Church, such as in worship as lectors, ushers, greeters, and in the children’s and youth choirs. They are also encouraged to participate in leadership roles such as youth group officers and representatives to the Youth Ministry Committee and Congregation Council.