Christian Stewardship
Christian Stewardship is a lifestyle which acknowledges accountability and responsibility before God. It is the “big picture” of our use of all gifts that have been entrusted to us to use during our time on earth. It’s the care of the planet, our use of time and talents, and our money. It is about the daily choices we make with the resources which have been entrusted to us. It is not fund-raising for the church.
All the choices we make reflect our attitude toward the use of the gifts which God has given us to use during our time on the earth. As God has been generous to us, He expects us to be generous toward the work of Christ and His Church.
Fundamentals of Christian Stewardship:
- Prayer Enter more fully into a life of prayer.
- Commit time each day to pray and read scripture.
- Nurture families with time and love.
- Share Christian values, especially in light of the pressures to conform to a secularized society such as ours.
- Giving back to God the First Fruits of Our Labors: The Christian steward acknowledges with gratitude that even our material wealth and financial resources come from God. Sacrificial giving is how we as Christians describe returning the first portion of our material wealth, our financial resources, our money back to God.
- Sharing our talents. As Christians, we recognize that our gifts of talents and skills are meant to be cultivated and shared with others.
Worksheet to review your personal use of time and talents
Worksheet to review your financial gifts.