We invite you to join our parish. Membership in First Lutheran Church is open to all people who share our confession of faith in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


You may become a member through:

  • Holy Baptism,
  • Affirmation of Baptism, or
  • Letter of Transfer from another church

You may also consider becoming an Associate Member.

If you would like additional information about baptism, confirmation, adult instruction or transfer of your membership, please call the church office.


Membership is comprised of baptized and confirmed members:


Infant baptism is practiced. Baptism takes place in the midst of the worshiping congregation and the child is welcomed into membership with the promise of those present to aid and assist the parents in the spiritual growth of the child.

Adult Baptism
Adult baptism is the means by which unbaptized people of cognitive age enter the Church. The Lutheran Church recognizes all Christian baptisms which have been performed in the name of the triune God and, therefore, does not re-baptize those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition.


A two-year program of catechetical instruction is begun in the 7th Grade, which leads to the young person’s affirmation of faith. At that time, they are recognized as voting members of the Church with all responsibilities and privileges.

Those people with previous Christian church backgrounds are asked to review the basic teachings of the Christian faith and to gain knowledge of the history of the Lutheran Church and its teachings. We find that the most useful way to do this is through regular participation in the Liturgy and activities of the congregation and by conversation with one of the pastors.


Individuals and/or families having a formal relationship with another Lutheran congregation are received into membership through a letter of transfer.


Individuals who worship and participate in the life of our congregation, but who desire to maintain membership in another congregation, may become Associate Members with all the privileges and responsibilities of full membership, except for voting and serving on Congregation Council.

OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE into membership occurs when the pastor submits the names of those who desire membership to the Congregation Council for recording into the records of the church.

FORMAL ACCEPTANCE INTO MEMBERSHIP is celebrated during a Sunday morning Liturgy. At this time, the congregation welcomes new members into their midst.